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Thalpotentiginy: Arousal from Heat or Warm Weather

What is Thalpotentiginy?

Thalpotentiginy is a paraphilia where an individual is sexually aroused by heat or warm weather. This type of arousal is also known as thermophilia. People with thalpotentiginy may experience sexual arousal when exposed to high temperatures, such as when sunbathing or taking a hot shower.

Causes of Thalpotentiginy

The exact cause of thalpotentiginy is not known, but it is believed to be a result of a combination of psychological and physiological factors. Some people may develop thalpotentiginy due to childhood experiences or trauma associated with heat or warm weather. Others may have a genetic predisposition to this type of arousal.

Symptoms of Thalpotentiginy

People with thalpotentiginy may experience sexual arousal when exposed to high temperatures or warm weather. They may feel a sense of excitement, pleasure, or sexual desire when in hot environments. Some individuals may also experience physical symptoms such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, or increased blood pressure.

Treatment for Thalpotentiginy

There is no specific treatment for thalpotentiginy, but therapy may be helpful for some individuals. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help individuals identify and manage their sexual arousal triggers. Medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs may also be prescribed to help manage symptoms of thalpotentiginy.

Common Misconceptions About Thalpotentiginy

There are many misconceptions about thalpotentiginy, including the belief that it is a rare or abnormal condition. However, thalpotentiginy is a relatively common paraphilia, and many people experience sexual arousal from heat or warm weather to some degree. It is also important to note that having a paraphilia does not necessarily mean that an individual will engage in harmful or illegal behavior.


Thalpotentiginy is a paraphilia where an individual is sexually aroused by heat or warm weather. While there is no specific treatment for this condition, therapy and medication may be helpful for managing symptoms. It is important to understand that having a paraphilia is not abnormal or harmful in itself, and individuals with thalpotentiginy can lead fulfilling and healthy lives.

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