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Pygotripsis: Arousal from Rubbing Buttocks

What is Pygotripsis?

Pygotripsis is a paraphilia where individuals are sexually aroused by rubbing buttocks, either their own or someone else’s. The term “pygo” refers to the buttocks, while “tripsis” means rubbing or friction.

Causes of Pygotripsis

Like many paraphilias, the exact cause of pygotripsis is unknown. Some experts believe that it may be related to early childhood experiences or trauma, while others suggest that it may be a result of conditioning or learned behavior.

It’s important to note that having a paraphilia does not necessarily indicate a mental disorder or illness. However, if pygotripsis or any other paraphilia is causing distress or interfering with daily life, it may be worth seeking professional help.

Pygotripsis and BDSM

Pygotripsis may be considered a form of BDSM (bondage, discipline, domination, submission, sadism, and masochism) play. Some individuals may enjoy incorporating buttock rubbing into their BDSM activities, either as a form of foreplay or as a specific fetish.

It’s important to always engage in BDSM activities with a consenting partner and to establish clear boundaries and safe words beforehand.

Treatment for Pygotripsis

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for pygotripsis or any other paraphilia. However, some individuals may benefit from therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or psychoanalysis, to explore the underlying causes of their arousal and develop coping mechanisms.

It’s important to note that therapy should never aim to “cure” someone of their paraphilia, but rather to help them manage any distress or negative consequences that may arise from it.


Pygotripsis is a paraphilia where individuals are aroused by rubbing buttocks. While the exact cause is unknown, it may be related to early childhood experiences or conditioning. Pygotripsis may be considered a form of BDSM play, but it’s important to always engage in activities with a consenting partner and establish clear boundaries. Treatment for pygotripsis may include therapy to explore underlying causes and develop coping mechanisms.

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