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Matutolagnia: Understanding Sexual Desire in the Morning

What is Matutolagnia?

Matutolagnia is a paraphilia that refers to an increase in sexual desire felt especially in the morning. The term comes from the Latin word “matutinus,” which means “pertaining to the morning,” and “lagneia,” which means “lust.” People with matutolagnia experience a heightened sense of sexual arousal upon waking up in the morning.

The Science Behind Matutolagnia

The exact cause of matutolagnia is not yet fully understood. However, experts suggest that the increased levels of testosterone in the morning may contribute to the heightened sexual desire. Additionally, the body’s natural circadian rhythm, which regulates sleep and wake cycles, may also play a role in matutolagnia.

Is Matutolagnia Normal?

While matutolagnia is not a common paraphilia, it is considered a normal variation of sexual desire. Many people experience heightened sexual desire in the morning, and it is not necessarily a cause for concern unless it interferes with daily functioning or causes distress.

Managing Matutolagnia

If matutolagnia is causing distress or interfering with daily functioning, there are several ways to manage it. These include:

  • Engaging in regular exercise and physical activity to help regulate hormone levels
  • Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to reduce stress levels
  • Seeking therapy or counseling to address any underlying psychological issues
  • Talking openly with sexual partners about matutolagnia and finding ways to incorporate it into sexual activity


Matutolagnia is a normal variation of sexual desire that is characterized by increased sexual arousal in the morning. While the exact cause is not fully understood, experts suggest that hormone levels and circadian rhythm may play a role. If matutolagnia is causing distress or interfering with daily functioning, there are several ways to manage it, including exercise, relaxation techniques, therapy, and open communication with sexual partners.

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