Kink Dictionary



Kink Dictionary – Allotriorasty

What is Allotriorasty?

Allotriorasty is a paraphilia where an individual experiences sexual arousal from partners of other nations or races. This can be a preference for partners of a specific nationality or race, or a general attraction to those who are different from oneself.

Why do people have Allotriorasty?

There is no one specific reason why someone may have allotriorasty. It could be due to a preference for physical features commonly associated with a certain race or nationality. Alternatively, it could be due to cultural or societal influences, such as a fascination with a particular culture or a desire to rebel against one’s own cultural norms.

Is Allotriorasty normal?

Allotriorasty, like all paraphilias, is a sexual preference that falls outside of what is considered “normal” sexual behavior. However, it is important to note that having a paraphilia does not necessarily mean that someone is mentally ill or dangerous. As long as all parties involved are consenting adults and no one is being harmed, there is no reason to view allotriorasty as abnormal or problematic.

How can someone with Allotriorasty explore their kink safely?

As with any kink or fetish, communication and consent are key. It is important for someone with allotriorasty to be upfront with potential partners about their preferences, and to ensure that all parties involved are comfortable and consenting. Additionally, it is important to be aware of any potential power dynamics that may come into play due to differences in nationality or race, and to ensure that all parties involved are on equal footing.

What are some common misconceptions about Allotriorasty?

One common misconception about allotriorasty is that it is inherently racist. However, having a preference for partners of a certain race or nationality does not necessarily mean that someone is racist. It is important to distinguish between a preference for certain physical features or cultural traits, and a belief in the superiority of one race or nationality over another.

Another misconception is that allotriorasty is only a fetish for white people. However, people of all races and nationalities can have allotriorasty, and it is important to avoid generalizations or assumptions based on race or nationality.


Allotriorasty is a paraphilia where an individual experiences sexual arousal from partners of other nations or races. While it may fall outside of what is considered “normal” sexual behavior, it is important to remember that having a paraphilia does not necessarily mean that someone is mentally ill or dangerous. As with any kink or fetish, communication and consent are key to exploring allotriorasty safely and responsibly.

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