Kink Dictionary


Puppy Play

Puppy Play: Exploring the World of Human Puppies

Puppy play is a form of roleplay that involves acting like a puppy or dog, often with a sexual component. This kink can be enjoyed by people of all genders and sexual orientations, and can involve a range of activities such as barking, crawling, and playing with toys.

What is Puppy Play?

Puppy play is a type of BDSM roleplay where one partner takes on the role of a puppy or dog, while the other partner takes on the role of a handler or owner. This can involve a range of activities, such as wearing a collar and leash, eating out of a bowl, and playing with toys. Some people who engage in puppy play may also enjoy wearing puppy hoods or masks, and may use pet names or communicate through barking or whining.

Types of Puppy Play

Domestic Puppy Play

Domestic puppy play is a type of puppy play that focuses on the domestic aspects of owning a pet. This can include activities such as obedience training, feeding, and grooming. Some people who engage in domestic puppy play may also enjoy sleeping in a crate or on a pet bed.

Alpha Puppy Play

Alpha puppy play is a type of puppy play where one partner takes on the role of the alpha dog, or the leader of the pack. This can involve asserting dominance over the other partner, and may include activities such as marking territory, growling, and biting.

Handler and Puppy Play

Handler and puppy play is a type of puppy play where one partner takes on the role of the handler or owner, while the other partner takes on the role of the puppy or dog. This can involve activities such as training, discipline, and reward.

Why Do People Enjoy Puppy Play?

People enjoy puppy play for a variety of reasons. For some, it allows them to explore their submissive or dominant side in a safe and consensual way. For others, it can be a way to escape from the stresses of everyday life and embrace a more carefree and playful mindset. Additionally, puppy play can be a way for partners to deepen their emotional and physical connection through trust and communication.

How to Get Started with Puppy Play

If you are interested in exploring puppy play, it is important to communicate with your partner and establish clear boundaries and consent. It is also important to establish a safe word or signal to indicate when play needs to stop. Additionally, it is important to research and invest in proper gear, such as collars, leashes, and toys, to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.


Puppy play is a fun and playful kink that can be enjoyed by people of all genders and sexual orientations. Whether you are interested in domestic puppy play, alpha puppy play, or handler and puppy play, it is important to communicate with your partner and establish clear boundaries and consent. By doing so, you can explore this kink in a safe and consensual way and deepen your connection with your partner.

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