Kink Dictionary



Gomorrahy: A Comprehensive Guide to This Unusual Kink

Have you ever heard of Gomorrahy? This sexual act involves inserting a non-sexual limb into a vagina or anus. While it may sound unusual and even uncomfortable to some, it is a fetish that some people enjoy. In this article, we will explore what Gomorrahy is, how it is performed, and the potential risks associated with this kink.

What is Gomorrahy?

Gomorrahy is a sexual fetish that involves the insertion of a non-sexual limb, such as an arm, leg, or foot, into a vagina or anus. This act is also known as “fisting,” although fisting typically refers to the insertion of a hand rather than a limb. Gomorrahy is often considered an extreme form of sexual play and is not for everyone.

How is Gomorrahy Performed?

Gomorrahy requires a lot of preparation and communication between partners. Before attempting this kink, it is important to discuss boundaries, expectations, and safe words. It is also essential to use plenty of lubrication to avoid injury or discomfort.

The partner who is being penetrated should start by relaxing their muscles and gradually working up to larger objects. It is important to go slow and communicate throughout the experience to ensure that both partners are comfortable and safe.

Risks Associated with Gomorrahy

While Gomorrahy can be a pleasurable experience for some, there are risks associated with this kink. The insertion of non-sexual limbs can cause tearing and damage to the vaginal or anal walls, which can lead to infection and other complications. It is essential to use plenty of lubrication and go slow to avoid injury.

Additionally, Gomorrahy can be emotionally intense and may require a lot of trust and communication between partners. It is important to discuss boundaries and expectations before attempting this kink to ensure that both partners are comfortable and safe.


Gomorrahy is an unusual kink that involves the insertion of non-sexual limbs into a vagina or anus. While it may not be for everyone, those who enjoy this fetish should take the necessary precautions to ensure safety and avoid injury. Communication, trust, and plenty of lubrication are essential for a pleasurable and safe experience. As with any kink, it is important to discuss boundaries and expectations with your partner before attempting Gomorrahy.

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