Kink Dictionary



Endytophilia: When Clothes Make the Arousal

Sexual attraction and arousal can manifest in various ways, and endytophilia is one of the many paraphilias that can bring pleasure and satisfaction to some individuals. Endytophilia, also known as garment fetishism, is a sexual attraction to partners who are clothed.

What is Endytophilia?

Endytophilia is a type of fetishism where a person experiences sexual arousal and attraction towards individuals who are wearing clothes. This fetish can be expressed in different ways, such as through the desire to touch, smell, or see the clothing being worn by the partner. The fetishist may also derive pleasure from the sensation of the clothing against their skin or the sound of the fabric rustling.

Origins of Endytophilia

The origins of endytophilia are not fully understood, but it is believed to be linked to childhood experiences or exposure to certain types of clothing. It may also be related to sensory processing issues, where the sensation of clothing against the skin is interpreted as pleasurable.

Types of Endytophilia

Endytophilia can manifest in different ways, and some individuals may have specific preferences or fetishes related to certain types of clothing. Some common types of endytophilia include:

  • Panty fetishism
  • Shoe fetishism
  • Leather fetishism
  • Rubber fetishism
  • Satin fetishism

Treatment for Endytophilia

Endytophilia is not considered a disorder unless it causes distress or impairment to the individual or their partner. However, if the fetish becomes problematic or interferes with daily life, therapy or counseling may be helpful. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or exposure therapy may be used to help the individual manage their fetish and reduce any associated anxiety or distress.


Endytophilia is a type of fetishism where a person experiences sexual attraction towards individuals who are clothed. While it may seem unusual to some, it is a valid expression of sexuality for those who experience it. As with any fetish, it is important to communicate openly and consensually with partners and seek help if it becomes problematic.