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Autoandrophilia: Understanding Sexual Arousal in Biological Females

What is Autoandrophilia?

Autoandrophilia is a term used to describe a type of sexual arousal experienced by biological females who have a desire to be male. This can manifest in a variety of ways, including fantasies of having a male body, dressing in male clothing, and engaging in activities typically associated with masculinity.

Understanding the Psychology of Autoandrophilia

Autoandrophilia is often associated with gender dysphoria, a condition in which an individual experiences distress or discomfort as a result of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. However, not all individuals who experience autoandrophilia identify as transgender or experience gender dysphoria.

Some researchers have suggested that autoandrophilia may be related to a desire for power or dominance, as masculinity is often associated with these qualities in our society. Others have suggested that it may be a form of self-objectification, in which an individual views themselves as an object of desire rather than a subject with agency.

Exploring the Different Forms of Autoandrophilia

Autoandrophilia can manifest in a variety of ways, and individuals may experience it differently depending on their personal preferences and desires. Some common forms of autoandrophilia include:

  • Fantasies of having a male body, including genitalia
  • Dressing in male clothing or adopting a male persona
  • Engaging in activities typically associated with masculinity, such as weightlifting or sports
  • Using male pronouns or a male name in sexual contexts

It is important to note that not all individuals who experience autoandrophilia will engage in these behaviors, and not all individuals who engage in these behaviors experience autoandrophilia.

Challenges and Stigma Associated with Autoandrophilia

Like many other forms of non-traditional sexual arousal, autoandrophilia can be stigmatized and misunderstood by society. Individuals who experience autoandrophilia may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their desires, and may struggle to find acceptance or understanding from others.

It is important for individuals who experience autoandrophilia to know that they are not alone, and that their desires are valid and worthy of respect. Seeking out support from a therapist or a community of like-minded individuals can be helpful in managing the challenges associated with autoandrophilia.


Autoandrophilia is a complex and nuanced form of sexual arousal experienced by biological females. While it can be challenging to navigate in a society that often stigmatizes non-traditional forms of sexuality, it is important for individuals who experience autoandrophilia to know that they are not alone, and that their desires are valid and worthy of respect.

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