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Acrotomophilia: Understanding Sexual Attraction to Amputees

Acrotomophilia is a sexual attraction to amputees. This fetish is not as uncommon as you may think, and it can be a sensitive topic for those who experience it. In this article, we will explore acrotomophilia in more detail, including what it is, why it happens, and how it can be explored in a safe and consensual way.

What is Acrotomophilia?

Acrotomophilia is a type of sexual fetish where an individual is sexually attracted to amputees. This can include amputations of any limb, but some people may have a preference for a particular limb, such as an arm or leg. People who experience acrotomophilia may fantasize about having sex with an amputee, or they may be attracted to the idea of being an amputee themselves.

Why Does Acrotomophilia Happen?

There is no one answer to why acrotomophilia happens, as with any fetish or sexual attraction. It is believed that acrotomophilia may be related to a desire for a partner who is vulnerable or dependent, or it may be related to a fascination with amputations themselves. Some people with acrotomophilia may have had a traumatic experience with amputations, while others may have simply developed the attraction over time.

Is Acrotomophilia Harmful?

As with any sexual fetish, acrotomophilia is not inherently harmful. However, it is important to remember that consent is key. It is never okay to fetishize or objectify someone without their explicit consent. It is also important to remember that not all amputees are interested in exploring their disability as a sexual fetish.

Exploring Acrotomophilia Safely and Consensually

If you or your partner is interested in exploring acrotomophilia, it is important to do so in a safe and consensual way. This may include finding a partner who is also interested in exploring the fetish, or it may involve finding a professional sex worker who is experienced in working with individuals with disabilities. It is important to have open and honest communication with your partner and to always prioritize their comfort and safety.


Acrotomophilia is a sexual attraction to amputees that can be explored in a safe and consensual way. It is important to remember that consent is key, and that not all amputees are interested in exploring their disability as a sexual fetish. With open communication and a respectful attitude, acrotomophilia can be a fulfilling and enjoyable fetish for those who experience it.

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